Friday, February 15, 2013

The Lobotomised expression of the Gruen Transfer

On a recent excursion to buy a gift, I was reminded of a certain phenomenon I once heard of. Trying to look like I knew where I was going in my pursuit for the perfect present, I noticed that I was surrounded by the bewildered faces of other shoppers along with that of my own. What's going on? Hence 'the Gruen Transfer',

      'the moment when a consumer enters a shopping mall and, surrounded by an intentionally confusing layout, loses track of their original intentions. Spatial awareness of their surroundings plays a key role, as does the surrounding sound, art, and music. The effect of the transfer is also marked by a slower walking pace'.

A prominent example of this can be seen in stores such as IKEA, where shoppers are led on precise trails (mazes) in attempts to instigate the purchase of an unnecessary item. And most often than not, it works! So the next time you find yourself wandering around a store like some apocalyptic zombie, ditch the 'pc' route to the exit and cross over shelves, tables, counter-tops; heck even push the aul' one smelling the scented candles outta the way if it means saving the money in your wallet...I won't judge you.

You have choices. You have free will.

''I only came here for a God damn Valentine's gift, why am I opening the sunroof for this portable 8 foot step ladder?!?!?!''

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